Bible Truth Examiner


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Scriptures are cited from the King James (Authorized) Version, unless stated otherwise.

Question: In what way are an advocate and a mediator alike, and in what ways do they differ?

Answer: the word “mediator” in our English language is often used differently from what it is used in the Bible. For example, one might say, “I am a kind of a mediator in my home. That is, all difficulties are settled through me.” This is one way of using the word but it is not the Scriptural way. In the Scriptures every use of the word “mediator” is in connection with a covenant. Christ is the mediator of the New Covenant. A mediator stands between two parties to see that justice is done to both parties.

Suppose you and I were to build a house. You agree to build it for $250,000, terms and conditions laid down. It is usual in such cases to have a “mediator” and the “mediator” in such a contract is usually termed an architect. So we have an architect – a mediator – who draws up the plans and the terms and you agree to take these specifications. Again, in any business transaction, if you make a note for some reason, a contract is given. You agree to bind yourself by that. Now that is a covenant or contract between us. Where is the mediator? The law. In every such case where two parties are concerned the mediator sees that everything is right.

Christ has redeemed the world and He is to be a Mediator in the matter of dispensing certain blessings. God will agree to take and accept these people of the world through this Mediator. Christ will agree to bring the world up to perfection – He will stand between God and them. He will represent them to God. Christ can stand between them and God and give them all the assistance by virtue of the sacrifice He has already made. He will carry out the provisions of the New Covenant to the world, assuring the world and giving God assurance, and in the end of the Millennial Age will turn them over to the Father perfect – restored to the perfection lost in Adam.

An advocate is your attorney – not the other man’s attorney. He is never for any side but your side. He has the right to go into court because he is a member of the court. You cannot go into court. You must have an attorney to appear there for you. You are at liberty and in good standing – you are not condemned by the court, but you must get a lawyer thoroughly conversant with our laws. An attorney is not a mediator, but your representative before the court.

The Church had an advocate with the Father. “If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous” (1 John 2: 1). What did He say for the Church? He represented to the Father that the members of the Church had imperfections, but He knew that their hearts were right and that that would be a proper case for leniency. The Church had forgiveness of sin through faith in the blood of Christ.

The consecrated at the present time are sometimes referred to as “those consecrating between the ages.” We ask the question, Is Jesus our Advocate? We answer, though He is not our Advocate in the exact sense that He was to the Church, He does many things for us the same as He did for the Church. For example, we also receive forgiveness for our sins through faith in His blood.