Bible Truth Examiner

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New Material

Our goal is to provide you with new reading material on a monthly basis. There are times, however, when we have trouble accomplishing that task. In those times we can only ask for your patience.

Below is a list of the most recent material in the three categories of Articles, Studies, and Bible Questions. To view all of the Articles, Studies, Bible Questions click on the links provided above and below. We pray that you receive rich blessings from them all.

New Resource Material

Below is a list of the most recent material in the two categories of People of the Bible and Graces of Christian Character. To view all within these two categories click on the links provided above and below. We pray that you receive rich blessings from them all.

Christian Graces

Graces of Christian Character

Ebooks Coming Soon

A collection of books written by
Charles Taze Russell
Charles Taze Russell
Spiritual Food

Daily Manna

Daily scripture with comments by Charles T. Russell
Paul S. L. Johnson.

Israelites collecting Daily MannaGo There

Upcoming Events

DATE: 2023
Monday, April 3 (after 6:00 p.m.)

Stick man with a Coming Soon sign.Go There


Welcome to the Bible Truth Examiner, an independent Christian website, dedicated to the spread of Biblical truths. This website holds up the Bible as its standard, believing it to be the inspired and infallible Revelation of God toward the Lord’s people and toward the world. It stands firmly upon theFoundation of the Christian’s hope – Redemption through the precious blood of“the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all” (1 Peter 1: 19; 1 Timothy 2:5, 6).

We invite our readers to prove all of its presentations by the Word of God, to which reference is frequently made. We believe that the various truths of the Bible are also in harmony with reason(Isaiah 1: 18) and facts. Our intention is to address the entire scope of Scriptural subjects, by publishing articles on subjects such as: God, Christ, the holy spirit, creation, man’s fall into sin, what is the soul?, the covenants of the Bible, the dispensations and ages of God’s plan, Bible chronology, God’s permission of evil, where are the dead?, the hell of theBible, our Lord’s ransom sacrifice, the high calling of the Church, the second coming of Christ, restitution for the world, justification by faith, Christian consecration, practical Christian living, etc.

The Studies section consists of two informative and interesting Bible study series. The first, entitled God’s Wonderful Plan of the Ages, contains sixteen Studies; and the second, entitled Hope Beyond the Grave, contains twelve Studies. Other studies are being add as we grow our site.

Our Graces of Christian Character section contains short articles which examine the graces of the holy spirit.

Our People of the Bible section contains short articles about the various men and women of the Bible.

Our Bible Questions section contains a wide variety of interesting Bible questions and answers. Please send in any Bible questions you may have.

The Daily Manna section will provide the reader with a Scripture text, accompanied by comments, parallel Scripture passages and a poem for every day of the year.

The Audio link contains twelve discourses on important Bible topics.  

We expect to add new material on a regular basis. We welcome your questions and comments. Feel free to download and use material from our website. You may link to our website,, but please let us know if you do so.