Bible Truth Examiner


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Scriptures are cited from the King James (Authorized) Version, unless stated otherwise.

Question: What is Christian consecration?

Answer: Let us use Romans 12: 1 as the main Scripture to consider for this subject:

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”

According to the Bible, the Christian life is meant to be progressive, leading one on to ever higher stages of development. Christian consecration, or dedication, is the third step in the Christian’s life – the first two being repentance for one’s sins, and faith in Christ, which enables one to become justified by faith.

Definition of Consecration

Consecration may be defined as a separation from the common and ordinary and a dedication to God. The classic example of consecration is that of Jesus, Who separated Himself from the common and ordinary pursuits of life, and yielded Himself fully to God and His service.

Who May Consecrate?

The privilege of consecration is by invitation only. It is not offered to the world in general, but only to those who are already justified by faith, referred to in our text as “brethren.” In this verse, the word “brethren” is a generic term that is used to address both justified Christian men and women, or Christian brothers and sisters.

Attributes of Consecration

Consecration consists of four attributes, all of which are indicated in our text (Romans 12: 1). They are:

  • Power: this attribute is indicated in our text by the word “living,” and gives the thought that consecration is energetic.
  • Love: this attribute is indicated by the word “holy,” which is appropriate, for love is the real spirit of holiness.
  • Justice: this attribute is indicated by the word “acceptable,” because it is the merit of Jesus’ sacrifice which makes one just or righteous in God’s sight, and therefore pleasing to Him.
  • Wisdom: this attribute is indicated by the term “reasonable service,” and implies the thought that consecration is wise and reasonable.

The Consecrated Life

We might ask: Why should a Christian who is already justified by faith go on to take the step of consecration?

Although consecration is not a requirement in this life, this step is taken when a justified Christian develops a gratitude for, and appreciation of God’s mercy, His past favors. In the ultimate sense, all owe everything to God, including their existence and their redemption through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, they recognize that consecration honors God, that it will uplift themselves and others, and that it will enable them to overcome evil.

Consecration is carried out by faithfulness in following in the footsteps of Jesus, the Christian’s greatest example.

The activities of the consecrated Christian’s life include:

  • World and self-denial
  • Meditation on God’s Word
  • Spreading God’s Word
  • Practicing God’s Word, which includes the development and exercise of the Christian graces of character
  • Watchfulness
  • Prayer
  • Suffering for one’s loyalty to God

Advantages of Consecration

The advantages of the consecrated Christian’s life are manifold, and include:

  • Fellowship with God, Christ, and fellow Christians
  • Insight into the characters of God, Christ, and fellow Christians
  • Preparation for one’s future office in God’s Kingdom
  • The best possible life now
  • Glory to come in God’s Millennial-Age Kingdom and in the Ages of glory to follow

Note: Please find a more thorough examination of this subject in our article, Christian Consecration.