Question: What is the significance of Jesus’ ascension?
Answer: Jesus’ ascension was significant (Ephesians 1: 20-23) (Ephesians 4: 8). He ascended to heaven forty days after His resurrection, at which time He was seated at the right hand of Jehovah (Psalm 110: 1).
Jesus’ ascension resulted in: (1) great benefits for Himself: His glorification in person, office and honor, which included a return to the scenes of His former glory, a joyful meeting with His Father, His acclamation by the heavenly hosts, His receiving the place of Chief One in God’s favor (Revelation 3: 21), His inheriting all things (Hebrews 1: 2), His receiving Jehovah’s chief power in heaven and earth, a universal power, to be exercised toward angels, the Little Flock, the Great Company and the Youthful Worthies, and also toward fallen men and angels, in setting limits to their operations, and finally, His exercising this power.
Jesus’ ascension also resulted in: (2) blessings for others: God benefitted through Jesus’ ascension in gaining a faithful Vicegerent; the good angels benefited in receiving a Director, far superior to Jesus as the Logos, in their service for the Church and the universe; the Little Flock, Great Company and Youthful Worthies benefited in His becoming their Teacher, Justifier, Sanctifier and Deliverer (1 Corinthians 1: 30); the world benefits in receiving limited blessings in this life and in His preparing the Little Flock, with the Great Company and Youthful Worthies as assistants, for its deliverance; the penitent fallen angels gain a great blessing from Jesus’ ascension coupled with His instatement into His office as Deliverer. Finally, His ascension implies that He will develop His heirship eternally, perfecting one planet after another and bringing unto perfection new orders of beings.